President Hinkley's passing has brought a mixture of emotions. I am happy to know he is with his dear wife Marjorie again. I am sad that I will not hear his words at conference and see that twinkle in his eye. He has such a special place in my heart.
There was a talk in 2003 that I loved. I have it printed off and in a binder where I can reference it. It was called "To the Women of the Church". It spoke to my heart... I can't figure out how to link it, but you can go to and do a search for "To the Women of the Church". The talk comes up right now as #13.
He begins with a quote "Someone has said: 'Be kind to the women. They constitute half the population and are mothers to the other half.' " Another part that caught me because I wondered if I should work more and help financially more and I wondered if what I did at home really mattered (you know, some days it's just hard to measure your success at home!) ... he said "Count your blessings; name them one by one. You don’t need a great big mansion of a house with an all-consuming mortgage that goes on forever. You do need a comfortable and pleasant home where love abides. Someone has said that there is no more beautiful picture than that of a good woman cooking a meal for those she loves. Weigh carefully that which you do. You do not need some of the extravagances that working outside the home might bring. Weigh carefully the importance of your being in the home when your children come from school."
In President Hinkley's honor, our family has chosen to renew his challenge to read the Book of Mormon. Last time the challenge went about 5 months, we are setting that as our goal. We will need to read approximately 1 1/2 chapters each day to reach our goal.
I love our dear prophet. He was certainly inspired of God in the manner that he led his life and led our church. I will miss him. There will be a new President of the Church, and the work will go forward as God intends. All is well.
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